How It Works

Sweet, simple and sticky!

Switchable, peel and stick stamps may seem confusing at first, but the reality is, they are one of the most effective ways stamp! In their simplest form, peel and stick stamps are essentially stickers that temporarily adhere to the base of your self-inking stamp mount. When in use, they are sturdy and reliable, and when you are done, they are able to be removed and replaced with ease.

With the help of PSA Essentials patented stamper technology, your stamper never has to stay the same for too long! Follow the steps outlined below, and transform your ordinary stamper into the ultimate stamp mount utility.

Step One: Lock your stamper into place.

Flip your stamper over so you are looking at the stamping end rather than the handle, then press down to expose your stamp, and lock it into place by pushing down on the red button located on the side of your stamp mount. This will hold your stamper in the open position until the stamp switch is complete.

Step Two: Wipe your stamp clean.

Using a dry paper towel, wipe away any residual ink from the stamp you most recently used. If the ink is still persistent, use a little soapy water to assist you in wiping it down. Please DO NOT use any chemical cleaning solutions to aide in removing the ink; this will damage the stamp.

Step Three: Peel and Stick

Using your fingers, peel off your current stamp and re-stick it to its original packaging. Then, pick out your new stamp, peel, and stick it to the center disc of your stamper! If cared for properly, stamps will never loose their stickiness. If they seem to have ink residue built up on the sticky side of the stamp, simply wash off with water and re-stick to your stamper!

Step Four: Unlock and enjoy!

Re-press the red button located on the side of your stamp mount and voila! Your stamper is ready to use!

For a hands-on tutorial on how to complete the steps listed above, check out PSA Essentials How to Change Your Peel & Stick Stamp video here.

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