Christmas Cards

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is running to the mailbox each day and finding friends and family’s holiday cards. (It certainly brightens up that sea of bills and mounds of junk!) It’s such a wonderful tradition to keep up with families we adore from near and far.

If you send holiday cards, you also know it’s quite a production. From getting the right family photo, shopping multiple stationery sites for the best deals, selecting the right design, crafting the right message, managing your address list, addressing the envelopes and getting them stamped and out the door—- phew! It’s a lot of work. Not something that you just whip together easily!

The O’Regan mailing list just under 175. This year we had our professional photos taken by our PSA business photographers, Jade & Matthew Take Pictures out of Savannah. They are truly phenomenal natural light photographers that have an artistic eye that I can so appreciate. I ordered our cards from Shutterfly during their 50% OFF discount. I was excited to order the drop-in liners which I think elevates any card (liners are so luxe!!) and this year, I chose to hand write the recipients address with a fancy gold pen. These 2015 cards are works of art, I tell you and were hours in the making!

Here’s a peek at how they turned out:

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